
New York Jets Tim Tebow’s Wildcat package gives quarterback Mark Sanchez extra time out – NFL News

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New York Jets Tim Tebow’s Wildcat package gives quarterback Mark Sanchez extra time out – NFL News
New York Jets dynamic backup quarterback Tim Tebow’s Wildcat package has been regarded by a few as a nuisance to the team’s quarterback play as he disrupts the tempo of starting quarterback Mark Sanchez.
However, according to Jets offensive coordinator Tony Sparano, Tebow’s playing time on the field gives his fellow QB an extra time-out to relax and make plan for the current situation of the game.
Talking to media on Friday, September 14, 2012, Sparano said:
"It can be a coincidence, I’ve had good experience in the past with that part of it because there’s so many people that say flow and it'll interrupt his flow. You interrupt his flow when you’re on the sideline on defence too. That happens during the course
of a game.”
Tebow had a limited time on the field during the season opener against Buffalo Bills on Sunday, September 09.
He only had ten snaps out of which nine came at quarterback position. He also played some part as a Wildcat package, but did not get a good output.
Sanchez had a good game. He completed five out of six passes and covered 66 passing yards.
Jets have stressed throughout the offseason that they will use Tebow in the Wildcat package more often during the season.
Sparano puts the emphasis on the fact that when Sanchez goes to the sidelines, he gets chance to give some input on the strategy that could produce best results in that certain situation. Sparano said:
“As soon as Mark gets to the sidelines, I go 'What’s next, what are you thinking, what do you got?' For me it’s an additional timeout. It's a way to get additional information to him."
Although Sparano believes that the added time-out might give Sanchez some advantage, it is Sanchez himself who can provide the best opinion in this matter.
On the other hand, Tebow must be hoping that time-outs must be taken more often so that he can get more opportunities of utilising his dynamic skills.



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