
New York Knicks forward Amar’e Stoudemire considering the overseas option – NBA Update

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New York Knicks forward Amar’e Stoudemire considering the overseas option – NBA Update
NBA super star Amar’e Stoudemire sat down for an interview recently and while talking about the current NBA lockout, the player discussed the option of making a move abroad.
The New York Knicks man weighed the pros and cons of such a step, and said it definitely was a viable option for many players.
“It depends on how long this lockout's going to last for. Going overseas could be a great opportunity for guys who play well in the pros, and have other pro trainers, which wouldn't be a bad idea.” Stoudemire stated, as relayed
by the Huffington Post.
The current NBA lockout began on July 1st, after the old Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) expired. The National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) and the owners have met repeatedly in the months since then,
but have not been able to find a compromise deal.
Meanwhile, many NBA players have decided to play abroad and have signed contracts with foreign teams. Still more are linked with new moves every day, with Los Angeles Lakers legendary shooting guard Kobe Bryant apparently considering
a switch to Italy, even if it were for just a game.
When asked to comment on the subject, Stoudemire said in the current atmosphere, he could see why players are taking up the option.
The player cited the restrictions imposed in the lockout, such as the ban on contact with team officials, coaches and denial of medical cover for the players, as an incentive for them to go and play abroad.
“ Because here, with the lockout rules, we can't even talk with our teams' physicians, which doesn't make sense because if the guys were to start playing when the lockout was over, and they get injured, it'd end up hurting the
actual team and the organization.”
Amar’e said that to him, these measures didn’t make much sense. The player, who has had to rehabilitate his back injury on his own during the summer, believed that if the NBA players are in a healthy condition, it would be to the
ultimate benefit of their franchise.
“I would think that they would want us to talk to the physicians so we could stay in shape and get ready for when the season does (start), but again, it doesn't work that way with the NBA, so it may be smart to go overseas.” Stoudemire
The New York Knicks power forward has been voicing his concern over the NBA lockout throughout the summer and appears to have become disoriented with the behaviour of NBA owners. If it weren’t for his injury, Amar’e might have
signed for a foreign team already.
As it is, he is still keeping that option open.



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