I am in NJ, and got a speeding ticket in New York State.. I plead guilty by mail, and called 3 weeks later to find out my fine.. Apparently the fine is set by the Judge and can be what the Judge wants? Well any ways when I called they said no fine had been entered and to call back in two weeks so I did and still no fine and was told to call back in two weeks, I have been calling about once a month or so, and that was 10 months ago??? WTF I just want to pay and be done with this, why is this taking so long? Is this normal in New York? In NJ you get a ticked there is a set fine and you can pay by mail, or call in with credit card in most towns, but you pay with in 2 weeks or less and it becomes past news, not an ongoing issue.. Is there a time limit on this? This just seems crazy to me...