New York Yankees against Detroit Tigers, a pitcher’s contest – MLB Preview
The playoffs’ opening outing between the New York Yankees and the Detroit Tigers will start this post-season in a different way for the spectators, as they have always been in the mood to see long hits and sky high home-runs. The Yankees and the Tigers both
will land their biggest pitching depths to compete in Friday night’s, five-game series starter at Yankee Stadium.
The pitching depth will be pitchers of both teams, who have been the biggest source of problems for the opposing batters throughout the season. Yankees have employed Carsten Charles Sabathia who has shown 230 batters a way back to the camp with perfect changeups,
fastballs and sliders.
Throughout the season, Sabathia occupied the top position in AL East and remained a source of trouble to solid batting powerhouses like Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Angels and Cleveland Indians. Sabathia has already prepared himself for his real test. He
tossed 65-pitches simulated outing on Sunday to boost up his practice for the opening game in the playoffs.
"I was able to work on a few things and have it not be as intense, and I can get my work in," Sabathia said.
Yankees’ manager Joe Girardi has associated all his hopes with the ball and so he has given Sabathia a chance to cement the start to the Yankees. The team will be looking to Sabathia to contain the Tigers’ offence and dominate the Series with his brilliant
"Hopefully, it's a good one," Sabathia said. "We've faced off a lot, me playing in that division for a long time. He's had one of the best seasons for a pitcher ever, I think."
Until now, Sabathia has a 19-8 record with a 3.00 ERA over 33 starts. The 31-year-old hurler however has lost two of his last three outings that has made the critics to disregard him against Justin Verlander.
Verlander has a 24-5 record with a 2.40 ERA and has snatched 250 strike-outs. He is the biggest hurdle the Tigers have built to tackle the mighty Yankees’ offence. Once the Yankees pass this hurdle they will have to face Doug Fister, who also has a 7-0 record
with a 0.65 ERA in his last eight outings.
"There's not really a chance to sit back and kind of let it soak in," Verlander said.
Verlander has lost a single outing in his last ten games for he was struggling against the mediocre Orioles’ side. It is his fifth overall loss and very rare not seeing his name in the winning column in this season. He gave away eight hits, five runs and
two home-runs over seven innings.
The Yankees batting squad including Curtis Granderson, Robinson Cano and post-season hero, Derek Jeter are on the other hand ready to land a win. Both teams will be looking to dominate the first game early and take a decisive victory to get a competitive
edge in the Series. There is little doubt that the pitching line-ups of both teams will play a major role during the playoffs. It will be interesting to see both Sabathia and Verlander battle it out for top honours and bring their respective teams closer to
the coveted World Series.