
New Zealand's Kakapo?

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I recently learned of the Kakapo, and want to learn more. My daughter wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up, and I volunteer at the International Center for Birds of Prey and love owls. The kakapo has definitely caught our interest.

What sites or other resources can you recommend? I found the official website for the Recovery Program, but there was no contact information.

Thank you.





    Email or go into your local DOC office and they'll be more than helpful!


  2. There are now about 90 kakapo.  If it wasn't for the recovery programme they'd be extinct.  You can see Foveaux Strait from our house, and one day I flew to Codfish Island, where they're being kept, with a friend who was working on the programme.  The plane lands on the beach.  I've never seen a kakapo up close, but they've got a distinctive perfumy sort of smell.  Try googling NZ Dept. of Conservation and look at their website.  If you ever come to NZ the places to see native birds are Auckland and Wellington zoos, Orana Park in Christchurch, and the DoC centre in Te Anau.  I'm into owls too.My wife's nickname is Owlie because she reminds me of one.

  3. KAKAPO!! its on wikipedia prob the most informative =)

  4.  the "kiwi conservation club" i have heard it around before, i know its somthing to do with new zealand nature,

    link to kakapo
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