
New Zealand identity issues?

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i do love NZ!!

this is why i have thought deeply about what i consider identity issues the nation has

1. when in Europe people think i'm an aussie cause our flags are the same to all but Aussies and kiwis (dont get me wrong i adore the ozzies - but its not great for staunch Kiwis) - also a issue as the Aussies went to war we didnt, so it also groups us wrongly as USA war buddies -

2. the national athem is to mother england and says little about us

3. the name! zealand is a place in Holland that someone thought this place looks like hence - NEW Zealand

so questions:

1. cant we come up with a decent flag? one that communicates more than just a part of the commonwealth - we currently have a less starred flag than Australia! why not one that differenciates NZ?

2. a new athem that is about NZ

3. a decent name for the place like - Paradise - now thats branding and people would remember it better?

So any comments people?




  1. You may be surprised to hear this, but the close associations New Zealand appears to have with Australia and Britain historically and geographically actually contribute to its appeal.

    People in Europe and North America like New Zealand because it has an affinity with Australia when compared to other countries, and its British heritage is viewed as an enriching and endearing impulse to its architecture, mentality, and society. Those foreign features are conveniently "rubbing off" on us here in NZ, creating a wider base of sympathy for us, especially by people who are anglophiles and/ or like Oz. It certainly helped make me want to move here, because I came straight from England and found NZ comfortingly familiar, yet "oz-ly hip", if you know what I mean.

    These things actually make up a large part of NZ's character, and foster people's curiosity about it, because it means that there is a sense of familiarity here for millions of visitors who make the trip here every year.

    Anything new and radical someone might devise would negate that classy and traditional flavour NZ has been able to build for itself. People like grown things. Why not cultivate the image as the world seems to like it?

  2. Change all mate.

    But would it change how the world perceives NZ?

  3. wow, u certainly have opened my mind up about this, i have never thought about these things, and you are 100% right in everything you say, well done

  4. Antoni, I dont know you well enough to comment on Aussie /  Kiwi politics, I've never been to either of your countries as far as I'm concrened you're both allies if I'm not mistaken and that's all that matters right?......I'd rather not get between a two feet and a football if you know what I mean!, carry on!

  5. My old man has travelled the world extensively, over 100 countries and NZ is the only place he has ever mentioned he'd like to move to. I've not yet visited myself but will some day. The anthem should be for NZ and not the Queen, those days are done, NZ is independant. As for the flag, there's nothing wrong with recognizing the historical role Britain played but yes it should stand apart from the Auzzie flag.

    Don't name it anything too nice Antoni, it will become an over populated nightmare like California once people realize how fab it is.

  6. I agree. We're such a tiny country that people seem to lump us with Australian.

    1. I think we do need a new flag. There is no such thing as the commonwealth anymore. I think we need something that says a lot more about our culture and things that are important to us.

    2. I like our national anthem.  I don't think we should change that.

    3. I don't think our country should change it's name. That would cause so much trouble and so many people would object to it.


  7. i agree with you here, my sister in law and her husband live in australia and consider themselves to be aussies, (and vacation in africa tho she was born in iowa on the same farm my lovely and talented wife was), and my aunt and uncle from oregon went to New Zealand frequently to vacation, and though i'm sure they visited australia, they photographed and hung out in New Zealand more than any other place on those jaunts...and they talked of new zealand, not australia or africa or china or any other place in the world...they were absolutely in love with new zeland.

    i can hardly afford to drive across town these days, where did and do my kin come up with the bucks for such travel?

  8. I like the name New Zealand. The anthem is one of the best I've ever heard and I agree with the flag.

    We should change it, although Australia is a pretty kick *** place to be associated with lol

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