
New Zealand life-style? Can you help me, please?

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Hi. I'm an Italian boy and I would like to live in New Zealand after taking my degree.

So...I would like you to answer me some logistic question. I really hope you can help me!!!

For example... how many dollars (please....specify wich kind of dollars, so I can change it in Euro :-)).... does an engineer earn in a month in NZ (plus or minus...just to have an idea)??? Or what else..... how many dollars do I have to spend to rent a flat??? For example..... a flat with 2 or 3 locals.....

....and..... how much is a car???...and what do you think I should know??? I don't know.... something about taxes on labour, or something else? Everything is accepted!!!

I'm sorry for my english..... I hope to improve it thanks to your aiding.    

Finally, do you enjoy living in your country?

Thank you....




  1. I think you will find most Kiwis (New Zealanders) love their country. We are quite patriotic and many of us own a t-shirt that says 'I <3 NZ' or 'I call New Zealand Home' or 'Aotearoa' (which is Maori for New Zealand). The shape of our country is also quite distinct and you'll see that on a lot of t-shirts and even tattoos! So yeah, we love our country down here.

    However - the pay isnt so great. And we are isolated from the rest of the world. But we get over it.

    Now practice this phrase: 'Sweet as bro!'


  2. If you are a straight Italian boy; you will have no problem having a good time in NZ thats for sure. All the girls love Italians!!!!

  3. There is a shortage of Engineers in NZ,  see the NZ engineering website below...

  4. noo il caro marco giannoni ci abbandona!! hehe

  5. I think you would expect to earn a minimum 40 thousand NZ dollars per year as an engineers starting salary - but up to 100K or more once you have much more experience. If you move to Auckland or Wellington you would expect to spend about NZ$200 per week on a decent room in a house (sharing with others) depending on how close to the town centre you are. Second hand cars are relatively cheap in NZ. NZ$3000 will get you a decent 10 year old car. Taxes on personal income are as follows:

    $0 - $38,000: 19.5%

    $38,001 - $60,000: 33%

    $60,001 upwards: 39%

    The north Island is more densely populated and has the biggest cities (Auckland is approximately 1/3 of NZ's population). The south island has more beautiful scenery and slightly cheaper living costs.

    I have lived in NZ (Wellington) my whole life and I love it. I have travelled to Europe, Australia, Africa and America but I would always choose to live and have a family in NZ. It is safe in comparison to other countries and there is a lot of beautiful scenery. It has a reputation for bad weather but that also depends on where you live. This site has some good information on it:

    Good luck!

    P.S Your English is much better than my Italian! ;)

  6. I moved to New Zealand from South Africa. Life is very calm and pleasant in New Zealand. The cost of living is affordable for most people, but good jobs are hard to find. Perhaps you should have a look at your prospects in NZ before making that final move. Most people are opting to move to Australia since the working conditions/pay is much higher. However, the people of New Zealand are fantastic!

  7. Hi there, friend.  I think you'll like NZ.  Salaries here aren't as high as in most EU countries, but housing, food and transport are much cheaper.  I've lived in Europe but not Italy.  But I've known some Italian people and your lifestyle is a bit like ours.  Mountains, sea, wine and some of our food is like yours.

  8. You have some valuable input from the answers before me. NZ is very much an easy going place and I am sure you will love it here as most of us do. Why not try taking a holiday to get the feel of things in NZ. Sort of fact finding holiday and get to try before you buy. Good luck.

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