
New adoptive dog and agilty question plz read?

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Okay so i went to adopt my chocolate lab, but when we go their they had a corgi sheltie mix pup, and her mom and dad, they had been brought in by a lady who said she didn't want them because the pups were "ugly" and she wanted to make a new breed but would never register them looking like they did. and she needed new breeders.

she is 8wks and is a fast learner, she has already learned to walk on a leash and how to "sit", we are working on house breaking.

I was wanting to know when she gets older if agility would be okay?

I am unsure since corgi's are notorious of slip disks, i don't want the jumping to be to much

also what other tricks have you taught your pup that my pup could learn?

also she is going to have a whole lot of inside time and little outside time until we get the rest of her puppy shots and the rain and mud subside.

so what games could we play to help bond? she is already so settled in, she likes my cats and my cats actually like her, and we only got her this afternoon . if you want to add anything you are more than welcome thanks




  1. I am so glad you have adopted this little girl.  Shelties and Corgi's are both very smart so I would definitely consider agility for her.  As a young pup you can work on basic obedience with her, be sure she has a reliable sit, down and wait (or stay).  You also want to socialize her a lot, make sure she is comfortable in all kinds of situations and with lots of people.   Don't jump her, she is way to young.

    I would recommend a Puppy Kindergarten class and then puppy agility classes.  Puppy K is for socialization and basic commands, then Puppy Agility will start the foundation work you will use in agility and start to teach you some handling techniques.  There is no jumping but there is plenty to learn.  Then she will "graduate" on to a regular beginner agility class.  There are lots of books on the subject and there is Clean Run magazine, but taking classes would really be the best since you too are new at this.  Although I read the magazine now, it was way over my head when I started.

    Agility is a wonderful way to bond and have lots of fun with your dog.


  2. You can absolutely do agility with your corgi mix when she gets older.  What will be important is that you keep her weight down and don't allow her to get fat, exercise her well, so she's nice and muscled and make sure you take a good agility foundation class, don't rush threw it.  It will be very important for your corgi mix to learn how to control her body and to learn how to jump and do contacts properly.  (Not all dogs know how to jump).  When the time comes, you will want to be doing a running contact with her.  Do not do a 2on2off contact with her.

    Corgi's do great in agility.  I run a dachshund and that's usually what I'm competing against.  

    There are lots of things you can teach her in the meantime.  Quick response to her name, sit, down, stay, come, directional cues like left and right, go out (go away from you).  I highly suggest a subscription to CleanRun magazine, there are a lot of excellent articles for the newbie as well as the experienced handler.  

    If you live in the U.S., the venues that welcome a mixbreed in agility are:  NADAC



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