
New apartment cleaning ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving into a new apartment. It's very cute, BUT I have to clean it. And the man who lived there before me must have NEVER cleaned. I'm a little unsure how/where to start. Everything will definitely need a good scrub. Carpet needs cleaning, floors have a buildup of dirt in the corners, dusting.The bathroom tiles are even pretty black in some of the grout. There are only 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and living room and kitchen. My question is where to start? Does anyone have any ideas to make cleaning these things a little easier? I know it may seem like a weird question, but any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Start from top to bottom.  That way you can wipe the dust down to the floor.  I sweep the floors onto the carpet so I don't have to use the dust pan, it just gets vacuumed up.  I don't use a lot of different cleaning products, it's just to expensive.  Spray some straight bleach into the shower to kill the mildew (don't wear anything you don't want messed up.)  I like the swiffers for the floor, I sweep with a broom, then dry swiffer, then wet swiffer.  

  2. omG!  I begin cleaning our new house tomorrow, lol.  I went to the top floor and started writing notes of everything I saw that needed to be done, then worked my way to the first floor.

    I def. agree with one of the other posters, about sweeping things onto the carpet and going from top to bottom.  Like stairs, sweep all the dirt and dust from the top all the way to the bottom and onto the carpet and just vacuum.

    As for stains and grout.  I suggest borrowing or renting a carpet shampooer if you don't own one and using Resolve products or anything with Oxy-clean (I'm an oxy-clean fanatic, lol).  And a great, but time consuming technique for tiles would be getting on your hands and knees and using brillo pads (preferrably the oxy-clean ones, lol).  You get a really thorough clean and it makes the tiles appear brighter.  For any wood items, use Murphy's Oil.  It's like $1-$2 at a dollar store.  Wipe the wood down after sweeping or dusting, then go over it with that.  It makes some of the nastiest wood look great, let me tell ya!

    Also, bring a CD player!  You can dance around and sing while you're cleaning.  It makes it mre tolerable and actually kinda fun!

    If you want anymore cleaning tips and tricks, feel free to e-mail me with more info and I'll def. get back to ya.  I know what I'm doing.  My family used to buy and fix up houses and sell them and I've been helping with the cleaning and maintainence since I was 7, lol.  My e-mail is

    Enjoy your new place!

  3. Well, for starters... Wear OLD clothing you don't want to get messed up!  Have your supplies ready....

    Plastic gloves


    Paper Towels, newpaper

    Microfiber or lint-free cloths a few 5-10




    High duster- (duster with  handle)


    Toilet brush(es)

    window cleaner- or white vinegar/water 1-1 ratio

    Bathroom cleaner like soft scrub w/ bleach to do tub/tile surround

    Bleach to clean toilet(s) or even some shampoo you don't like!  

    Baking soda

    multipurpose cleaner like 409, lysol disenfectant liquid, BAM etc...

    Mr. Clean magic eraser

    Start from TOP-BOTTOM..

    Sprinkle the floors (carpeting) with baking soda and let sit while you work in the bathroom(s), kitchen etc...

    Spray the bathroom tub/tile and toilet with cleaner.... Even BLEACH/WATER diluted will work 1 cup per gallon..  Spray grout and let it sit.... OPEN windows.... Rinse... Scrubbing Bubbles works as well... Or any other cleaner.... Put cleaner in toilet a cup or so of bleach will work swirl around and flush.... Wipe the bowl outside with bleach water.. RINSE with CLEAN cloth...

    Wipe down counters/sinks...

    You can wash the walls with a mild solution of vinegar and water and a slightly damp cloth... Just to remove funky smells/odors...If that doesn't work get some TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE from the hardware store and mix according to directions...

    If you have spots on the wall- like scuff marks.  Use MR.CLEAN magic eraser just don't rub too hard it will take the paint off!  

    Clean the windows and then OPEN them to let the fresh air inside!   Vinegar/water works well to clean windows.... WINDEX will also work well- just use old newspaper or lint-free cloths...

    Wipe down baseboards and closets with the damp cloth and a bucket of vinegar/water.... Or all purpose cleaner... Vinegar is CHEAP and very effective... Just don't use too much cleaner.... It will just leave a


    Finally, vacuum the carpet... If you have vacuum attachements you can get into corners.... Or UP high.... Make sure you have extra bags for your vacuum and that you have new filters.... That makes a HUGE difference in how well your vacuum works... If the floors/carpets are really bad bring in a wet/dry shopvac just remove the paper filter if you have any wet things to clean... !  Make sure to vacuum any stairs!   You may also want to rent a carpet cleaner AFTER the initial cleaning is done.... Renting a RUG DOCTOR cost about $30 for 24 hours.. That would get the carpets clean....

    In the kitchen use TOP/BOTTOM method... Wipe down the INSIDE/OUTSIDE cabinets with vinegar/water-  Wipe down countertops with 409 or other all-purpose cleaner... Just be sure to rinse it off.... Wipe down lower cabinets/appliances.... INSIDE/OUTSIDE.... Wipe down baseboards-  MOP/VACUUM floor(s)...

    Good luck

  4. I hate cleaning! But the funny thing is my job is house cleaning! What I use to make my cleaning go faster is the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, I absolutely swear by them! It will take the dirt right out of your grout and off the tiles. I havent met a cleaning job yet that the eraser couldn't stand up to. And about were to start, start with the bigger jobs first and the places in the apartment you re going to use the most, like the bathroom and kitchen  

  5. My suggestion is to clean one room at a time so you don't get discouraged. Start on your bedroom so if all else fails at least you have a clean place to sleep! After that would come the bathroom and kitchen.

    Set a timer for 15 minutes and work on one task. When the timer goes off set it again and work on another task for 15 min. After you have done 3 fifteen minute segments rest and relax for the next 15 mins. It's amazing how much can be done by using this method and it ensures you do not become obsessive about any one task and spend too long in one area. Work from the top down so you do not mess an area you've already cleaned.

    If you can - have a cleaning party and get friends or family to help you out - it will make it a lot more fun and you can chat as you work. You can pay them back by throwing them a dinner party once your apartment is shiny and clean!

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