
New area: do we need Men's Studies?

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Should there be a discipline of Gender, Men's Studies? If so, what should be studied and how can the research in this area be presented? Are there scholarly journals already out there where articles could be published?




  1. I have seen Mens Studies courses offered at institutions of higher learning. It is my impression that they generally just classes designed to further teach young heterosexual men how wrong they are to be young heterosexual men.  

  2. just pick up a FHM or Maxim magazine and that is basically what a men's studies room would be all about.   ;-)

  3. I'm sure we'll find out as it goes along.

    To answer some of your questions' try looking some of them up on line.  Maybe you can get a head start.  This should be interesting.

  4. If you are talking about this forum, there is a history to this that predates my ever answering a question here.  In the real world, "men's studies" is just as legitimate an endeavor as is "women's studies."  There are definitely scholarly journals out there for such study.  For example:

  5. Maybe it would be a good idea to just address what it means to be a man in the 21st century, but 'men's studies' would probably degrade into a pseudo-science mush.

    Gold Digger - Why do you put forward an image of utter stupidity? You write like a child.  

  6. I don't know... but I sure am getting sick and tired of the grade school level (stupid) questions and answers you get around here from anti-feminists -- most of whom aren't even old enough to REMEMBER the true feminist movement of the 60's and 70's.  

    Seriously, there are so few thought provoking legit questions... all stupid "Feminists, answer THIS if you can..." c**p.

    :: shakes head :::  Y!A is becoming a huge mess and a waste of everyone's time.

    By the way-  we already have tons of books and information on "Men's studies"....  they are called "history books" and every school makes them required reading....

    (take that any way you want to)

  7. Sounds like a good idea.

  8. You make a good point that when discussing gender, it makes no sense to simply focus on the problematic 'female,' Yet, the reason, women's studies arose out of the conscious raising days of the 1960's was to challenge the fact that women had not been included in most forms of cultural, historical or political discourse.  Therefore, studies had almost all been exclusively male. Women were hypothesised, pathologised and described to death but by men!  So, no. do not need exclusive men's studies...need not to be afraid of those studies which solely focus on women.

  9. Yes, we do.

    If women want to end their role as the weaker s*x, they must also let men end their role as the expendable s*x. If men are treated like the expendable s*x, they will always believe in their superiority. You can't change on sexes role and let the other stay the same. That is not equality.

    Changing the role of males in society requires men's studies.  

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