
New at vollyball?

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I want to start vollyball but im not sure if all be good also how do you start like how do you "try out like what does that meen????




  1. i don't know where you live but in colorado we have gold crown and it's a great program to get started in also check out your local highschool because most have summer camps that anyone can get in to

  2. dont worry about it u will be good and if u dont think so then just see if u can find training to help u learn

    were do u live?

    [ i could teach u how to play volleyball ] i am on a state team ]so i can help u learn and all the moves and the outof-bound lines and all that stuff >> how old r u???

    jw just answer them though so we could help u out me thx

    hope this helps and i really could use some points here

  3. well ur not gonna be good in the beginning unless u just have that special skill where u catch onto things me. but reasearch these terms cause i know ur not gonna know wat they are

    first get a volleyball then work on these:spikes,bumps,sets,serves(underhand first, then over hand, then jump overhand),digging,tips,hits. and trying out means to try out like go out for the team. like when u try out for ur skool u stay after skool and u go and just do wat they do, then they'll either cut you(kick u off) or keep u on. then on final cuts whoebver makes the list makes the team.

  4. It is never too late to start playing volleyball. It takes determination as well as coordination. So make sure that you are determined to play the sport. I would try going to volleyball camps at local schools, or colleges. You can also go and watch club practices to see what it takes.

    It depends on your specific try outs but what it takes is bump set spike, but more so CONTROL.

    Good luck and it never hurts to try out.

  5. The first thing you want to do is make sure you understand the game.  Like the right way to pass, set, and hit.  Then you need to know all the positions: Outside, Middle, Right side, Setter, Libero, and DS.  The game is really about perfecting all of your skills, and learning how to cooperate.  

    The best thing to do, would be to buck up some courage, and ask someone who is really experienced in volleyball to show you how it's all done.  After that it's all up to practice.

    Becoming good-enough doesn't happen in one day, one week, or even one month.  It takes a lot of commitment.  The best thing to do would be to involve yourself in as many camps and extra-curricular activities involving volleyball as possible.

    And if you want an example, watch college volleyball and observe they footwork, and how fast they move.

    It all comes down to motivation and determination.

  6. volleyball is so much fun!!!

    i have played it since elementry school and i luv it

    so if i were u i would start at school or join a volleyball club

    good luck!!!

    have fun!!!

  7. well fundamental skills can be learned at any age, your development will be determined by your commitment and athleticism. "try-outs" are ways coach's determine where to place you at in a program or team. For girls, school tryouts are usually in the beginning of the school year. For Club ball season tryouts, they are usually right after the school season ends and time varies by location, but on average its in October or November.

  8. you should learn how to bumb and spike first

  9. You have to go and try out so they can see how good you are. Best way to start is to get a lot of practice and run a lot. You should do a lot of excercises and do a lot of practicing. When you think you are getting good you should have a trainer help you out on you volleyball skills. Once you get the hang of it you should try out and your coach will help you be the best player ever! (RESULTS MAY VARY)

  10. u will luv volleyball!!!! it is probably the most fun u will ever have in playing sports!

    first i would start out at ur school to try out there. and if there is nothing there then i would go around and see wat they have for club volleyball.

    the word try out means that u would go to a practice the coaches will see if u apply for the team. it isn't a bad thing but it helps the coaches out.

    to get ready to do the try outs. u could practice ur bumping ur setting and ur overhand serving. i would practice those and then when it comes to try outs u will be all ready to go and make the team!

    good luck and hope u make the team!

    remember to have fun!

  11. You will not regret it! The most fun ever!

    The best place to start is at your local parks and recreations classes. If you can't find one there, call a local "Club" volleyball team and ask if there are any developmental clinics or teams for beginners.

    Try this link to find  vb "Clubs" near you:

    Good Luck!

  12. Try out is trying out for a volleyball team...

  13. I just tried out in middle school and made the team! Then I played for 6 years! If you want to learn basic skills first I would go to  the recreational department and sign up. My dad put us up a volleyball net in the open field next to our house and me and my sister would play around out there. You could also talk to some of the coaches at your school and see if any of them would be willing to help you or maybe they know someone who could!

  14. i just started this year too and i was reallly good. i played setter for my team. they will teach you the basics such as bumping, setting, and spiking. then they will get to the technical stuff such as positions and formations for when youre passing the ball. dont worry its not that hard to pick up. i loved it so much deffffinately try out (: hope i helped.
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