
New baby princess parrot

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  1. You can by hand rearing formular from all good pet stores. Watch some on line videos on how to do this if you are going to attempt it.

    If it was me I wouldn't go to rearing formular - try mashed up home made food you would give a baby. Handle it lots - it may want cuddles and more important keep it hydrated and warm. (you may have to hand feed it the mashed food)

    Be paitent with it. Princess parrots make fabulous pets and aren't normally that noisy. They will quiet down when they have settled in.

    If all else fails and you are still worried in a day or two take it to an avian vet for a check up. Most good vets will check out the other bird for no extra charge. They will be able to give you the best plan. It could be the difference to a life long companion or a dead bird. :(



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