
New biker please help lotz of questions!??!?

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I am 17 and my boyfriend is 18 and we have just started riding together and it is sooo awesome. I love this new found freedom..but I do have some questions...1, Everyone knows about the whole waving thing but I want to know sense I am a passenger do I wave to or do I leave that up to him??? And why don't everyone wave??? 2, Now please don't laugh, after about an 1 1/2 hours my butt starts to go numb and so do my legs...I want to know is there anyway to stop this or at least do something about it without stopping everytime it happens??

Thanks all for your answers any tips for new bikers would be great as we have only been at this for two weeks with me on the back....





  1. F.Y.I

    Pop a couple Advil just before you take off. About the time the buttburn begins the Advil kicks in.

    Wave at all of the bikers, even though many of the Harley people won't wave back, (social strata sort of thing). I do hope you are wearing protection, helmets, gloves, riding jackets etc. Bikes are really fun.

  2. I used to have this chick who took it upon herself to be in charge of all hand signals.  Gave her something to do so she would stop kicking her legs back and forth.  She would even flip people off on a regular basis.  I say go for it.

  3. You can wave too if you want to! Lets all wave at each other. I hate it when bikers don't wave back, it's rude. Actually, I tend to nod but it's the acknowledgement that matters.

    Everyone gets arseache. The only solution is to buy a big cruiser with seats like a Chesterfield sofa or stop for a ciggy break every now and then and get the blood flow back in your bum.

  4. As a passenger, you can wave or not (you'll see that some do, some don't...just as with single riders). It's a camaradarie thing and not everyone cares to do it, or perhaps they didn't see you or were too busy to take a hand off the controls when you waved so don't take lack of waving by someone else personally.

    The numb butt thing is just a matter of getting used to riding. If you ride with your guy a lot, it might be worth it for him to invest in a more comfortable passenger seat (I've sat some where my butt felt like it was on fire after while, and others I could ride all day without problem). The only remedy with the current seat is time, and to have him stop and let you walk around if you get too uncomfortable...better to do that than have you twitching around and causing him to have trouble controlling the bike.

    Ride SAFE and have FUN!

  5. wave if you want..... and no cant do much for the numb it will get better  with time

  6. 1. NO you don't have to wave

    2. Wear a diaper, like I do!


  7. Hi Amber, wave if you want. Don't worry about those who don't. Their diapers probably weren't changed regularly or they are new riders and not comfortable yet. Tell johnny  up front to stop once in a while to let you take a butt rest. His seat is wider than yours and more comfortable. (Imagine women in the 50's riding on a pillion pad - ouch).  I never liked gel pads by the way.

    When you get your own bike look for a sheepskin cover for the seat. Esp if you plan to ride in 2 hours blocks ( my kind of ride). Sheepskin is really comfortable but would look dorky on a sport bike. So buy a cruiser. Above all, have fun.

  8. I wave to anyone with their knees in the breeze no matter the make or model.  Not all wave back, but that I hope will change some day.  

    As a pASSenger you will have this numbness problem because you have no room or rights to wiggle.  The operator can adjust, wiggle, and put his/her legs where he/she wants so they tend to experience much less of this.  I use to ride B@#$% with my old man and got tire of being bored and not being able to move around so I go my own ride.  I tell you it helps tremendously to be able to ajust your postion whenever you want and the front seat is much more comfortable.

  9. Wave-it makes you feel good and the people you wave to. If your butt gets numb, get off and stretch and rub the blood circulation back in each others butt. In time your butt will toughen up. Also keep your eyes on the other vehicles around you. They have a tendency to pull out in front of you.

  10. waving... go ahead and wave when i pass by

    about your rear end.... tell your man to get a mustang seat if it is a cruiser or some other brand name seat

  11. Please wave! I wave at everyone on two wheels. Numb butt and legs is a blood circulation thing. When I am afflicted, I look for an opportunity to stand over the bike at a traffic light, etc. Getting your legs more extended will help. Hard to do on a sportbike, but great on a cruiser.

  12. The sore butt and numbness is something you'll have to get used to. Or you could just get your own bike. No you don't have to wave. You can if you want to but it's optional for everybody. It's not a mandatory thing. When you ride for a while you'll get tired of waving at every bike on the road.

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