
New birth control medication is making old old condition worse?

by  |  earlier

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i have a severe migrain condition that causes me to pass out i was put on seizure medication for it but have been off that for 5 years now. no doctor would put me on birth control pills becuase of this condition but my new doctor said it was fine and she put me on YAZZ now i'm having one of the worse ones ever (3 days into the new pills) i don't want to go to the ER if i don't have to but i'm worried that i could have a stroke like i was warned about by the other doctors, should i wait it out of go to ER?




  1. Since I do not know anything about your age,family history,marital status etc... It is hard to make specific suggestion. In general BCpills accumulate water in body thus increase chance of migrain attacks.

    For you the best is going to ER. Give them good history , tell them what Rx you are taking. Most probably at this stage they will give a

    shot of pain killer which is good for now. There are very good anti migrain medications in the market like Emerge, Axert.But they need

    prescriptin by doctor. Also there are good medications to PREVENT migrain like Topamax. Make sure you have migrain not a cluster headach which has different treatment.  Good luck

  2. I feel like if you have to ask if you should go to the ER you should probably be there. And stop taking the BC until you figure out what's going on.

  3. Sounds bad, I was plagued for the last 4 yrs with severe migranes well what I thought was migraines,,after going to neurologist, ENT specialist  and a few others. All they wanted to do was dole out pills. I hate pills and I am allergic to all opiates which is all pain pills.  These headaches would bring me to my knees, I was freakin cause I am 31 yrs older than you. We always think the worst like an aneurysm.

    Have you had an MRI done? Mine found bone spurs 3 in my neck and that is what was causing my issues as well as ..being allergic to wheat.

    I feel for ya and I use to use Fiorinal, it was the best.

    Go to the ER why suffer. They will give you a shot and hopefully it will knock you out so you can get some rest!

    Please go

  4. You never wait to go to the ER if you feel your having a stroke. Another sign of one is numbness anywhere on you, being dizzy, and the headache spreads to the back of you head to where you feel like your eyes are gonna bust out.

    I've dealt with 2 family members having a stroke and it's not a pretty thing. So PLEASE if you even think you might be having a stroke go to the ER. Do not wait. Every minute counts.

    Good luck

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