
New born kitten and Toxoplasmosis?

by Guest59509  |  earlier

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I have a new born kitten (2 weeks). I found him on the street (mom is a stray cat).

I want to know whether he is already infected Toxoplasmosis or not.

I brought him to the vet, but veterinarian (doctor) said “he is too early to has the test", since test needs a lot of blood (he is only 8 oz.) and I have to wait until he becomes at least 5 weeks.”

Does anybody know know how much chance the new born kitten is already infected Toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis is usually infected by eating mouse, fresh meat etc, but my kitten is too young to eat those fresh meet and he was probably drinking mom cat’s milk before I found him.

Now I’m feeding him a kitten formula.

Also the new born kitten has some immunity to shedding of Toxoplasma, but I don’t know the duration and how it works.

If anybody has any idea, please advice to me.

Reason why I’m worry this: is I have to take care of his p**p (help his pooping.) and I have chance to have a touching his f***s.





  1. toxoplasmosis is not something thats very common at all. the likelyhood of this kitten having it is very low. wear gloves when you handle his p**p you'll be fine..

  2. Aw, If you keep away from his poo - And make sure you dont breathe it in or anything.  

  3. I doubt the little guy has it, after all, he really isn't able to eat solids, he'd still be drinking mother's milk, but just to be careful, wear gloves.

  4. He's way too young to have it, so I wouldn't worry about that.  

    Any cat who DOES have toxo can only pass it on in the first 14 days after they've been infected, after that they are immune and will not pass it to others.

    With cats it shows up only in the f***s, so washing your hands with soap and water after you clean up the p**p is more than enough to make sure nothing transfers.

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