
New budgie not eating?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a new budgie, and picked him up yesterday evening. he is about 3 months old. i purchased the same kind of food he was previously being fed and had an excellent set up waiting for him.

he has not eaten as of yet. in fact, until this afternoon he didn't make a peep. he has started chatting a little, but sits in the same spot. i am very positive he hasn't eaten as from previous experience with budgies they are sometimes messy eaters and the entire area where his food is untouched. no remnants, no husks and i haven't seen him near his food dish at all (i have been watching him intently, but from a distance so i do not scare him). i put a peice of apple in the side of the cage to entice him but he has not touched that either.

how long can a budgie go without eating or drinking? is this normal? how long is normal for them not to eat when they enter a new home?





  1. Your bird is simply nervous in its surroundings.  I suggest you cover his cage with a cage cover so he can't see outside and put him in a quiet place so he can calm down some.  Budgies can last for a long time without drinking because they are from Australia, where they didn't get much water.  Just give him a little time.  He should come around soon.  It's a good idea to entice him with treats such as lettuce and if he doesn't start to eat for a while, you could give him some millet spray.  The millet spray's pretty fattening, so be careful how often you give some to him.  Good luck with your new pet!!

  2. Since it must be newly weaned, you can also get hand feeding formula at the pet store and hand feed it.  It would give you some bonding time too.

  3. Try some buttery toast. Our budgie loved it.

    But I think budgies can go without eating for about 2 days max.

    Yourboy might just need some piece and quiet to get used to his new surroundings. And make sure he has grit, too. (I am sure you have thought of all this, but I'm just trying to cover all bases).

    Try putting his food as close to him as you can, so he can see it. And keep a check on the water and seed level in his trays/bowls.

    I would call your vet for advise if he hasn't improved by morning.

    All the very best.


  4. Your budgie just needs time to settle in to his new home, the shock of moving from pillar to post is quite distressing but don't worry all birds are the same when you get them home for the first time but if he's chattering its a good sign.

    Give him a couple of days.

    (Budgies can go  3 days without food or water)

    Please dont give him milk, Budgies are Lactose intolatant and you will make him ill.

    Make sure he can see the seed and water clearly.

    What ever you do DON'T cover him up Budgies cant see in the dark so he'll never find the food or water!

  5. Its probably not eating because its in a new place and maybe its because you are giving it a new type of budgie food than it was eating before, go to the place/person that you got it from and ask what budgie food it was eating before.

  6. Hi,

    Probably if you only bought it yesterday then its still in shock it maybe two or three days before it starts to eat, really though its not the eating you should be worried about it should be drinking really.

  7. have you ever thought that your budgie is anorexic?


  8. this might sound silly   but

    my budgie wasnt eating so i fed it milk                                         the best thing

  9. Hey i breed budgies started with one got another and i have raised over 15 budgies in 2 years dont worry at all about this.

    i brought a young one into house recently been in a wek and only chirps in morning and eats when nobody is in room.

    Budgies do not drink alot of water and chances are it has eaten.

    it will just take a couple of days to get used to its cage and its surroundings.

    dont try to handle it in the first few days till it gets used to just seeing you about and then just start with putting your hand in the cage.

    hope this helps
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