
New camera suggestions please! Help!?

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I had Canon Powershot S2 IS. It was very old and today it just died... I had the E18 error and to say it honestly, I am still really sad because it was my only camera and I don't know how I'll manage without any.

I love photography, but my knowledge about cameras... I'd like to keep it around 500, but well, I am willing to pay more, too. I wa sthinking one some of the EOS ones. I prefer Canon, but well, maybe you have some other good suggestions.

Anyway, thank you a lot! I really need help!




  1. You could upgrade to the S5 IS and stay on budget.

    Or go for a Canon Rebel xsi - excellent value for money, in my opinion.

    Biggest problem is this: once you have a DSLR, you'll want more and more lenses and you'll spend way more money on that. P&S cameras sure are cheaper in the long run!

    If you do get a DSLR try to be patient with the lens buying...... learn as much as you can first, and while you're figuring out just exactly which lens you want for the next one, save up for good quality L glass, it is so worth it in the long run.

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