
New car benefits+haggling tips?

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I was going to buy a used car but it just seems so much easier to go out and get a new one. Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't besides the price?

Also, if I were to buy a new car for £10,000 - £12,000, how much could I reastically haggle the price down to?




  1. Unless you really need your pride/ego massaged and have money to burn, DON'T buy a brand new car!! Why not? Depreciation. A new car loses about £1,000 in value as soon as you drive it out the dealer's showroom, and will lose about 33% of its cost price in the first year alone.

    Best buys are the pre-registered and "nearly-new" cars that most big dealers have, particularly for the more popular cars like Fords, Renaults, Seats etc. Buy one at 6 months old for £3k under new list price and haggle hard, it's a buyers market just now. Don't be afraid to walk away if the salesman doesn't play ball.

  2. Well there aren't many down sides apart from - like you say - the price! You don't have any MOT to worry about, everything is under warranty, no accidents have happened in it, no money is owing on it, and you know that noone else has thrashed it around before!!

    If your car was £10,000 and you are going to pay it in full I would go for at least a grand off, and you want the floor mats and a full tank of fuel in there too!!

    Be pushy - why not - it's your money and if they ultimately say no - fine! Go somewhere else!!

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