
New category needed!?

by  |  earlier

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Why doesn't Yahoo have a category just for yahoo pool? Then us real pool players wouldn't have to sort through all those questions!




  1. We've been with you on this from the beginning.  You know, there's a swimming and diving category right next to snooker and pool and we still get all those questions.  I'm not sure it would help.  What should be do about this?  I'll try to come up with a plan.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  2. There's an online games category!!! And still here they are...I just hate the questions that you can't tell are Yahoo pool or real pool. There was some question the other day about power in the stroke, and who knew if he was asking about what to do with the mouse or if he really wanted to know about his stroke...Sigh...We need to ask more questions so we have to sift through the real questions to find the ones about Yahoo pool :)

  3. Thats a nostuffer and swimming pools also - Cant belive that one bout her period yesterday  I would like to see more answers also

                                   Later EB  Johnny

  4. Amen. From chlorine to period. lol



  5. Would not "Yahoo Pool" mean you would get questions about the "video games"?.....I just don't know what it would have to would still get some of the "out of space" the one Johnny was referring to.....yesterday, someone asking about her PERIOD!!(Pool? in pool of blood, I guess)....and the number of swimming questions or water pools related questions.......maybe just "Billiards".....still enjoy this, even if I have to sort thru it!

  6. I love billiards! I agree, make a separate category.
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