
New ceiling light= blown fuse??

by  |  earlier

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I installed a new ceiling light (both black wires to black, both white to white and grounding wires) but once I try to put the fuse back in it keeps blowing. what am I doing wrong?




  1. If your quite sure about the wires being hooked up correctly, then the only thing causing problem could be.

    1. your pinching(smashing) the wires when your installing hardware

    2. or the fixture has a short, which you didnt cause.

    Most likely cause:

    The wires going to your switch and back, are probably a black and white wire. In which case, your white is actually a hot wire. In that situation, we as electricians, will usually make the hot going to the switch the white one, and your black is the return. Remember that electricity doesnt care what color a wire is, and some electricians are too lazy to ID it properly

    note: i've seen a 2000amp switch blow in a hospital(not good), because a  little #12 wire was smashed between 2 pieces of metal. Just be careful how you form your wires, and make sure that once u tighten something it wont smash. You could have a knick in the wire, or wire nut fell off in fan housing, or too much wire sticking out of wirenut, which is causing it to shortout.

    Theres nothing else it could be, unless your white is actually a hot feeding switch

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