
New/ changed road rules?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone tell me five recent law/rule changer which have been introducedin the last 2 year? thanks to all




  1. 1. Cell phone laws.

    2. Open container law.

    3. Stricter road rage laws.

    4. Stricter seat belt laws.

    5. Stricter teen driving laws.

    6. Stricter DUI laws.

  2. california laws

    1cell phone 18and over must use bluetooth

    ear device

    2 provisional license under 18 no use of cell

    phone while driving at all

    3dui w accident w/ death will be charged w/ murder

    4commercial license w dui must down grade to class c for 1yr

    5 if talking on a cell phone causes an accident w death of other driver will be charge w murder <brandy law >

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