
New class trouble?

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Well, I'm high school and recently I was moved up into a academic talented class and I have no friends in there. I know one girl in there, shes nice but she already has settled in and I'm such a loner in class but at recess and lunch I'm not. I just don't see the point of staying in the class I can still achieve what I want without this program, I feel unhappy everyday at school and I've tried making friends in there but they all seem so settled in and some of them I have had bad experiences with. What should I do? Be unhappy everyday or move back into my old class with friends and still achieve what I want?




  1. If you are really that miserable I think you should go back to your old class. These are supposed to be "the best years of your life", why not spend them with your friends you already have while you still can. Once you get out of high school, you'll want to give anything to be back with all your friends everyday, enjoy the privilege while you still can.

  2. In life it's so unfortunate that most of us experience this kind of problem. It's especially true for academically gifted kids whose parents did not make an attempt to restrain the academic gifts and encourage the kid to develop social gifts. By the time you successfully gain your place in a talented and gifted class, you may find that you are so poorly equipped with social skills to cope. But I would advise against dropping out and go back to your comfort zone. You may not belong there either (contrary to what you might think). In life, we need to learn to MOVE on.  I was one of those kids who had problem adjusting when I was young. The ghost of that problem trailed my life for a very long time into my adulthood. Having said that, I could give you some general advice.

    You cannot help but being who you are. You probably did not have the gifts of social abilities. Your personality has been shaped by various factors. The only way for you to move forward is to gain social skills, become more relaxed and humorous. Eventually all these positive factors will come together and make you a more attractive individual. And people will just flock in wishing to become your friends. It's a combination of look, confidence, talents, support, ... You will find that the only way to become popular is to draw people to you by means of your humour, talent, kindness, helpfulness, ... And if it is not working, it's because you do not possess these qualities or fail to show them. You need to work on these social skills as well as sincerely offer what you can.

    Life is generally selfish. People become popular because of good lock or social skills that they have. You don't just sit and hope people will come and be your friends. You need to give them reasons to wish to become your friends. And the start is it all is so simple. Just be nice to people, smile more, be kind and helpful. Suddenly you will see things change for the better.

  3. yea go back if it makes u unhappy
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