
New clomid user and I need help!!

by  |  earlier

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My doctor gave me a prescription for clomid. He said once I start my period, call him. So my question is what happens when I call him? And also he prescribed me 150 mg and this is the first time I'm taking it. To me, that seems high. I've read 50mg is the starting dose. How many mg did you take? My doctor I feel is leaving me in the sea with no life jacket. But he says my chances are good with clomid. Just wanted to see what other clomid users had to say. Thank you so much!




  1. when you call him he will schedule you an appointment around day 21 of your cycle so he can do a blood test to check your progesterone levels to see if you have ovulated.  he should not start you out on 150 mg of clomid that is dangerous.  you are supposed to start out with 50mg once daily for five days (3-7 or 5-9).  then when you get your progesterone levels checked, if they are not high enough he can up your dosage to 100mg and so on.  the reason to start you on a low 50mg dose to start with is because of the ovarian hyperactivity disorder.  a dose to strong can cause your ovaries to become huge and this could be very dangerous.  

  2. My first round was only 50mg. I didn't ovulate, so she is upping the dose this month to 100mg. I am not sure why your doctor started you so high. I would find out before you take them. Like someone else said your supposed to prepare your ovary's for the higher dose. Just talk to your doc and see what they say. good luck to you.

  3. I will be starting my second cycle of clomid as soon as my period comes.  My doctor started me on 50mg.  I fell pregnant the first cycle but miscarried at 8 wks.  I am doing 50mg again since it worked.  That does seem high but I've seen a lot of stories where ppl start that high.  I would definitely make a list of questions and when you call your doctor, ask them.  You shouldnt have any unanswered questions.  May I ask, why he is putting you on Clomid?  Baby dust to you!!!

  4. i did 2 months of clomid and started at 50 mg.  that does seem really high.  i would find out y he started u w/ such a high dosage.

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