
New clubs ?

by  |  earlier

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Thinking of purchasing some new golf clubs, currently playing with some one elses king cobras, but i dont really like them.

Any suggestions ?




  1. I just wouldn't give him his clubs back, remember:

    Beggars can't be choosers

  2. personaly i love king cobras but rite now i cant afford them... so i got some macgregors but callaway also makes a good club i would go with(if price is no problem) callaway x's

  3. Try this for your new club.

  4. Ive been using the Callaway X20's and they are spectacular clubs and very forgiven

  5. you would need to state your handicap if you have one different clubs suit different levels of ability

  6. depends on your current ability and how serious you want to get, and of course, your budget. like the others say, shop around. of course, make sure your swing is well practiced before you do, because otherwise one day you will like some clubs, but when your swing changes because you don't practice enough, you will not like those clubs on another day, which is why it is pointless to get custom-fit clubs unless you are very good and have a repeatable swing

  7. Like the previous poster go shop around see what you like. But I would do some research online first and see what's out there before you head into a shop blind you will be overwhelmed by the amount of clubs available.  Search around see what you can afford then go try them out and get them fitted. - Golf reviews up to the latest news in golf.

  8. Depending on your budget you may want to buy something good but cheaper.

    Try this website for good quality and great value:

    Hope it helps but good luck anyway.  Its always nice to buy clubs.

  9. I have to differ with Golfblogger on this one.  Before going to a Proshop and trying out a bunch of different clubs, go to a Pro who will determine the level of your game and he will give you a few different options regarding the best clubs to check out that will suit you the best.

  10. Go to a well stocked pro shop and try out as many different clubs as possible. You'll quickly find a set you like. No recommendation that I -- or anyone else -- could give you will be as useful. What works for someone else is not necessarily going to work for you due to differences in body type, swing speed, swing shape, etc.

  11. Three key Factors into purchasing new clubs.

    1. How serious are you about golf?

    2. Willingness to pay

    3. Ability

    If answers are very serious, very high and very high, then your best bet is the big well known companies.

    Premium 2 Companies

    1. Callaway

    2. Taylormade.

    Nike is good but nothing like Callaway and Taylormade.

    Therefore, if yes to 1 maybe 2 and 3, then Nike, King Corba, Ping, Bobby Jones, etc are your choice.

    Otherwise, then you just should get generic brand.

  12. It depends on how much you are going to spend. If it is 0-300 get them used because used clubs dont make that much of a difference then new clubs. 300-600 go with some nikes or some clevelands. 600+, go with some taylormade or callaways because they will maximize your distance and give you get forgiveness, you could also look at getting some titleist if you can hit them.
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