
New computer need help...Random shut down?

by  |  earlier

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My computer just turns of randomly when i do things like a virus scanner, convert video, etc. But it will stay on for a long time if you do things like surf the web or play a game like solitaire.

I do not know what the problem is.

Computer Specs

Raidmax Sagitta Case~450 Watt power supply

Motherboard: MSI P6NGM-FIH (check it out at

Intel Quad core E6600 and its Intel heatsink

One CD/DVD drive by LG

500 GB Seagate Cavialar (or something like that)

RAM Kingston DDR2 800mhz 2 GB

Also when i installed UBUNTU Hardy, the installation was succesful.

I thank you for all your effort.

XP it did like half of the installation and then shut of randomly.

First time building computer.




  1. What GPU do you have? Are you using the PSU that came with the case? PSU's that come with the case are not recommended to use on quality builds.

    Any of the top 3 in the New Egg link would make a great choice for your setup.

  2. Either your power supply is acting up (that 450 watt thingy) or ur RAM is givin up on hope on high temperatures.

    If you have two RAM sticks (one gb each that is) then try using one at a time n atleast eliminate the possibility of having corrupt ram.

  3. Thats a big Processor for just a 450 watt processor maybe it needs more power to run high end programs like video converting also from my searches a E6600 is not a quad but a duo

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