
New contacts and I need help!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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When you put them in the solution container after wearing them... it says minimum 4 hours, what do u do with them the other hours till you put them in again? Do you just leave it in that container till the next day and everything will be fine? They went over everything else with me but not what to do after the 4-6 hrs.. I wouldnt think u would take them out and leave them sitting in the case in dry air. lol . as u can see I am a navous. my first day with contacts. all help would be appriciated.




  1. Morning, I would go by what Jordan said to you, or call the people who you got these from and ask more thing I do know is never never let them dry out......

  2. I was the same way when i first got contacts. I was only 12 so i have had so much experience with them. When you take your contacts out at night they recommend soaking them for at least 4 hours but you can soak them how ever long you want. Make sure they are always in solution because they will dry up very quickly. I would also suggest wearing the contacts when you need them the most and try not to fall asleep with them. It is also important to give your eyes a rest. I have had many problems with leaving my contacts in to long and it was not fun. I am not sure what brand you have but if you don't like soaking them every night you can get the daily contacts that you throw away every night. In that case you do not have to soak them and you eyes will benefit because the contacts are fresh and there is not a chance for dirt and protein to build on the lens. The only thing that is not good is the price. They are very expensive if you plan to wear them everyday. If you have weekly or monthly ones then just make sure you rub them before you put them in the case to soak. I hope this helps you ......Good luck and enjoy the contacts!!

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