
New crested gecko, I have a question.

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I did my homework and researched it. and bought one yesterday, the morning when I sprayed the tank I could see that he moved all around.the thing is he has not eaten yet. is this normal? " I'm going to get a few crickets for him this weeked. anyway,he has a food dish with complete crested gecko diet and some crushed banana in it. I mean completely crushed. it's just a bunch of goop now, anyway. how long should I wait to handle him and is it normal he's not eating?




  1. it's normal he's probably stressed with his new home. Give him about 4 days of rest before handling a little bit at the time for them to get used to you. Be carefull when you will handle it because they move very fast and they love to jump , always keep an eye on it . For the question of not eating , maybe he already ate while you were sleeping because they are very active at night. You could also try to give him a small wax worm my creties never refuse to eat some.

    Good luck with your new crested gecko.If you have more questions there's a forum on crested gecko that is very informative:

  2. It's not at all uncommon for a new gecko to not eat for the first few days after coming home.  He'll probably start eating in the next day or three.  It's probably best to wait at least a week to handle him.  Moving to a new home is extremely stressful for most animals and you want to make it as easy for him as possible.  Remember that until he gets to know you, you're this giant thing that might eat him!  Once he gets situated, take things slow.  Start with just leaving your hand in the cage for awhile until he gets used to you.  Eventually he'll hop up on your arm to check you out.  Don't make any sudden movements, just let him get comfortable with you.  When he's not freaked out by your hand anymore, then you can really start to handle him.

  3. It is completley normal for him not to eat for a while, he has to get used to his surroundings.  he should eat within 5 days.  As for handling give him 3-4 days from the time you got him.  Then handle him for a couple minutes, then the next day handle him for a little longer and keep handling for longer periods of time.

  4. Usually you want to wait two or tree days when your crested has moved into a new enviroment.

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