I just had a new wood deck built and it is in the final stages -
about to be completed. I have not paid for it yet (except a small deposit). I choose a licensed company, got a permit, etc, etc. and it passed inspection yesterday (by the local gov. agency inspector here) but I'm concerned about the quality of the wood they used on the surface of the deck. Some of the boards seem to be a good amount of a sticky sap-like
substance on the surface and when you walk along the surface of the deck your feet stick to it in several places. It's not all over the surface but it's enough to be really annoying. Is this normal? My contract says they were to use pressure treated wood but this is my first house and I have no clue. Does this sap on the wood indicate a problem or does all pressure treated wood do this. Is this normal? What can I do to get it off? Should I ask the deck company to remove it or replace those two boards that have this stuff on it? Thanks very much.