Allright, so I'm rearranging my display and came by this beautiful acrilyc built long-box. Its cut off in three sections, each measuring roughly 38 gallons. (16"H x 16"W x 30"L). I love all of my ball pythons, but my display babes are the ones I adore for their looks.
So, if anyone in here knows about morphs, I'm looking to add a new Ball Python that will work beautifully with my Blue-eyed Lucy and a High-blush albino. If you don't know the name of the morph, but found a great looking picture, do post a link to the picture. It is likely I will be able to identify it. I'm swooned by light colored, exotic looking balls.
Don't give me any suggestions about care, or ask me how my humidity will work in a 90" tank. I live in the tropics, humidity is not a concern to me.
***Already have, and will not use for display:
Pastel, Piebald, Pastave, Mojave.
***Dont have, but won't add there either:
Any form of orange ghost.