
New driver needing tips (dirt modified)

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ok guys...i have a chance to impress a guy to drive his dirt modified. the thing is, i've never had any seat time in a modifed nor any other cars. i've hot lapped my uncles super stock a few times but never full throttle. any tips from the experienced drivers out there to help for my first time driving?




  1. When you get to the start of the first and third turns, let off the gas just a second, that will allow the car to "set" using the setup the owner has built in, then get back into the throttle smoothly so you don't break the tires loose and spin.  Feel the car by the seat of your pants, you need to be on the edge, but not cross it or you will be heading the wrong way on the track that fast.  Ask the owner if the car is setup to run low, middle or high on the track (groove)?   Good luck!

  2. I dont know if you do any driving on gravel roads, but try to do some fast cornering on gravel roads (loose dirt) and get comfortable with the rear-end getting squirly. Once you get used to this, you are as ready as you will ever be. The other thing that you can do is just bite the bullet, maybe ask your uncle if you can try the car on flat land first, (farmland, but smooth) Or in a parking lot with some old tires.

    Or ask your uncle what he would do if you crashed, or if you would be allowed to crash, as long as you would be able to help fix it.

  3. I've raced an AMRA modified on dirt, and I'll tell you they're mean.  Try to stay toward the outside of the straightaway, and when you get 3-4 car lengths from the turn let off the gas, turn deep into the turn, and slowly get back into the gas.  The car should, if set up right, start to slide sideways.  Try not to get it over about a 45 degree angle, or else your just slowing yourself down.  When the car clears the turn straighten the wheel, and go down the straightaway, again try to be towards the outside.  Repeat.  Having never raced one before, expect to spin out the first turn.  They snap around backwards quick, with just a little too much gas.  Remember practice makes perfect.  Good luck!!!

  4. Take a few laps to get used to the feel of everything. Try your hardest to not hit the brake. The brake will just get you all loose and squirrely. Remember if you let off the gas while in the turn, you're going to push to the wall. When you get back on the gas remember not to mash it, you'll only spin the tires, upset the car and you'll lose it. If you're turning left, you're doing something wrong.  

  5. My suggestion, tell him the truth.  Let him know your experiance level.  That way he'll have realistic expectations.  If you've lied to him that you have lots of dirt track experiance he'll know you've BS'd him as soon as you stall the car trying to leave the pits.  Then ask his advice.  Ask him how his car is set up and how to drive it with that set up.

    As for the actual driving others have said you have to be in the throttle to get the car to turn.  On entry you let up, turn left a little, and just maybe tap the brakes to set the car into the turn, then it's easy into the throttle will steering to the right to powerslide through the corner.   If you aren't up on the bars you'll be pushing to the wall.  That being said don't try to be too fast.  You've got to be smooth to be fast.  Focus on being smooth and speed will come.      

  6. your not really driving the vehicle the wheels do that, your just guiding it

  7. keep your eyes on the road.

  8. you need to show everyone what you can take. go as fast as you can and CRASH! but live  

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