
New dumbo rat owner! help :)?

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Hey everyone. I just bought a 6 week old female dumbo rat like 2 days ago :). Shes the cutest thing ever, Any advice that you can give to a new owner is appreciated . One question in specific is how long will it take her to get comfy with me , like if i put my hand in the cage she will smell it and nibble on my fingers and what not, but when i try taking her out she goes to her little house, should i just take it slow and let her come out to me or just pick her up even if she doesn't want to come out by herself.

thanks everyone!




  1. Rats are incredibly social animals and you really should buy another rat for her.  As far as her getting used to you, it depends on the rat.  Sometimes it's  within a week and other rats can take a month or more until it settles  and is comfortable with you. To speed the process, whenever you place your hand in the cage or approach the cage, have a treat in your hand.  Once she recognizes you as the food giver she'll love you.

  2. This is what I would suggest. First just talk calm and nice to your new cute rat. The next day put your hand in the cage and try to get it to take food from your hands. After that and so on you should be able to pet it, and also pick it up a little off the ground. Soon you will be able to take it fully out of the cage. This normally takes about a week. If not a week and a half. She might nibble you a little and smell you before she gets totally used to you.

    I also want you to know some key and interesting pet tips...

    1.) Rats are actually allergic to cheese.

    2.) Rats prefer not to have a wheel. They like stuff to climb on.

    3.) They also have great balance, what gives them the balance is their tail...

    4.) You can teach them all sorts of tricks...

    5.) Look for your rat if it grinds it's teeth. This means he is happy and likes you. Remember if he doesn't grind his teeth that doesn't mean he doesn't like you, it is just common in most rats, like I said most.

    6.) Rats love food...such as...

    -Whole wheat flakes

    -Triticale flakes

    -Rye flakes

    -Barley flakes

    -Oat groats

    -Spelt flakes

    -Soy flakes

    -Kamut flakes

    -Buckwheat (toasted)

    -Sunflower seeds (unsalted, untoasted)

    -Chinese pumpkin seeds (unsalted, untoasted)

    -Avocado (high in fat, but healthy fat)



    -Bok Choy

    -Turnip greens


    -Brussels Sprouts






    -Corn (cooked)


    -Green beans

    -Eggplant (with skin)

    -Sweet Peppers (all colors)

    -Squash (with skin, if possible)

    -Lima beans (cooked)

    -Black beans (cooked)

    -Kidney beans (cooked)

    -Sea veggies like wakame, nori and kelp


    -Flaxseed (crushed or ground)




    -Oats or oatmeal








    -Red grapes












    7.) Don't forget treats...! such as....

    -Cheerios, grapes, spinach, sunflower seeds, etc. I try to keep it healthy, but they have had the occasional french fry or cookie piece as a treat. There are also rodent treats that you can get at the pet store like yogurt drops or other colorful, fruity-smelling treats (for birds or rodents), and they are nice as occasional treats, but they tend to be high in sugar with little nutritional value.

    That really all you need to know..good luck on your new pet!!



  3. I have had rats and when there are "buddies" they have less interest in you.  

    Rats are nocturnal, bring her out in the evening or under low light conditions.  Make her feel secure by wearing a hiding place!

    My best little girl was a true "pocket pet"  I put her in the chest pocket of a shirt and gave her a kibble to work on.  She felt safe and protected and I was the source for safety and food.    She was so great that I used her as an educational animal in the grammar school.  Rats do not really like to be held, they like to sit on your shoulder like a pet bird.  They are very curious and like to explore.  Watch her carefully so she does not get hurt.

    NEVER use wood litter!!!!!

    The wood oils cause lung problems.  Use Carefresh or other paper litter, it works great.

    My Educational rat (Oreo) never peed or pooped outside her cage as an adult.  She was great with new people.  She never bit, even when my little kids handled her roughly.  I used to put her on my shoulder to ride to the school.  She even went trick or treating with us and to a Halloween party!

    Like any pet, the more you put in the more you get back.  


  4. My first piece of advice is to get her a same s*x friend :). Rats are highly social animals and should never be kept alone. As for how long it takes to get used to you, it varies from rat to rat. It depends on how well socialized they were previously and how much you handle them.

    I have a website on rat care here:

  5. get her a same s*x buddy ASAP, and introduce them.

    good luck, itll take a few weeks maybe to get her combfy wit you.

  6. i had 2 rats in the past and it took some time to get them to like me, just keep petting her and letting her sniff your hand, but make sure you wash your hands before you pet her, becuase your hands could smell like food and then she might bite you. Also try to keep the noise level down while around her at first and sudden movements can scare them and cause them to run. good luck with your rat!!!

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