I've got a 20 gallon community tank with a 20g rated Penguin filter that's been up and running for over a year. The tank is currently a little overstocked, so I'm moving my threadfin rainbows and the panda corys to a 10g. I bought a new filter for the 20g, which I've been meaning to do for a while since even though my tank is doing great and is well established, I know it's better to have a filter rated for more gallons than your tank actually is. Both the old filter and the new are currently running in the 20g.
I wanted to use my old filter for the new 10g and keep the new, bigger filter on the 20g, so my question is this: How long should I leave both filters running in the 20g before the new filter has a good crop of bacteria? How much will I upset the balance of the 20g by taking out the old filter, and is it worth it? And if/when I move the old filter to the 10g with the fish, should I expect a mini-cycle or will I get a smooth transition? Because if so, I'll be moving the white clouds over first to get things established before the threadfins and pandas move there.