
New fish tank in my room?

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I'm thinking about getting a 30 gallon tank in my room... fish suggestions? BTW Would it be too small for 1 full size oscar?

oh and I'm cool with only having like 2 fish in it




  1. The Oscar would JUST fit.  I'd like to see them in a 50, but if the filtration is good, I'd go for it.

    Look at Rainbow Fish.  They're my favorite.  They're relatively small, but look AMAZING in groups.

    I'm considering trying my hand at Discus or Gourami.  My aunt had Kissing Gourami that I just loved.  (These aren't for beginers. Do LOTS of research)

    Good luck,

  2. You need a big room.

  3. Oscars need a 55 gallon minimum. I suppose you could use the 30 until you got a bigger tank.

    If you are into african cichlids Tanganyikans stay sort of small.  Try 3 Calvus they are not as aggressive as other cichlids maybe add some synodontis petricola catfish they  stay on the smaller side.

    Shelldwellers stay smaller around 3-5 inch depending on species.

  4. Oscars are cool and full of personality and one would be great!

    I miss mine he had a tumor the size of a baseball and ate 2 goldfish a day for 8 yrs!

  5. Depends on what you like. normally, aquariums inside bedrooms hous small fishes. if so, then i suggest you get yourself a couple of corys for the bottom part, some neon tetras or guppies for the middle and some zebra danios on top.

    If you want an aquarium housing unique fishes that'll display their beauty to the extreme, then try some striped raphael catfish or the african butterfly fish.

    Banjos are rarely seen as they burrow underground but it is highly entertaining to see some of them rise off the sandy substrate when food comes.

    Aside from the striped raphael catfish, other Doradids should also make a great addition to your tank. They make noises at night and some people actually find it "relaxing"

    Upside down catfishes are also great community fishes. their upside down swimming style is quite the show. another option is to get a shoal of glass catfishes. Nothing is more impressive than seeing a shoal of these ghostly fishes swim around the tank.

    For more exotic looks, then don't put a fish in it. I have a 35 gallon tank in my room and in it is a shoal of tiger barbs and rosy barbs that serve as feeder fishes to my little file snake (Acrochordus Granulatus)

  6. coldwater:

    1 fancy goldfish

    20 white cloud mountain minnows


    10 female bettas

    20 mixed schooling fish (tetras, danios etc)

    25 male guppies

    10 corydoras

  7. depends on what you like.  I am going to get a 55 gallon tank and I am only going to put in small tropical fish, tetras, guppies, ghost catfish, glass fish, etc.  I like the look of a lot of small fish compaired to a few large fish.  My dad has the kissing fish and they are cool, and he also had some clownfish I think.

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