
New food ideas for my baby?

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My girl is 10 months old- I want to start giving her more *adult* food, I guess you could say, but im not coming up with much.

We've given her some mashed potatoes, a little bit of scrambled eggs, and she snatched a chocolate chip cookie out of my hand yesterday and helped herself. :)

(She only had a nibble.) I dont want to give her anything she could choke on, obviously.

So what foods did/do you give your baby around that age? It can also be something that I can mash up too.

I just need more ideas.





  1. if you are really scared of her choking you could buy a small food processor thats what i did and everything we ate at dinner would get mashed up for her to eat as well.  softly cooked and sliced carrots would be fine, noodles pretty much anything  just watch meat and veggies like corn.

  2. first off beautiful baby girl with a beautiful name (was gonna name my son that if he was a girl lol).

    not sure if she has teeth or not but any kind of steamed veggie is great just make sure they are really soft and cut them up in small pieces and only give her a few at a time. also any kind of cooked meat just cut them up tiny and give a few at at time. really anything you eat she can eat just cut it up and make sure its soft enough forher to be able to chew it or gum it either or. my youngest was eating table food by the age of 5 months ( he had 4 teeth and didnt care for baby food anymore).  

  3. Cook potroast or stew for the adults and cook tons of veggies.  Put them on the high chair table (cooled down) and let her go to town.  Make sure the pieces are big enough for her to get her mitts around them and not so small to choke.

    If you eat fish, prebread your own sticks and pop them in the freezer.  When you need them, put them in the toaster oven.  They LOVE them and it is so much better for them.

    Cut a PBJ into little squares.

    Make oatmeal cookies with very very little sugar or NO sugar and add apple sauce instead and raisins instead.

  4. 8 teeth and 10 months, yes give her some soft small pieces of meat.  Here are some other suggestions.

    cooked corn, green beans, peas, carrots, pasta and then cheese, rice cakes, gerber (or off brand) rice puffs, cheerios, yogurt, bananas, watermelon, raisins, bread, crackers.

    This is all off the top of my head but I'm sure there is more too.

  5. At 10 months your daughter could just eat what you eat for dinner. Last night we have baked chicken b*****s and rice, and so did Alyssa. I just cut her up some chunks. She loves to nibble on green beans and broccoli and such, I just steam them and separate some for her before I add seasonings for us.

    If you have a turkey sandwich for lunch, give your daughter some chunks of bread, bite size turkey pieces, and a slice of cheddar cheese in cubes.

  6. What about jello, spaghetti, cut up chicken, corn

  7. Shaun has eaten chicken and meat since about 9 months old. But recently he has some tummy bug and prefers vegs and fruits. His paed also says that when a baby's having stomach problem, it's best to avoid meat.

    So far, he has had yoghurt (yoghurt is ok, cow's milk is not), lasagna, rice, noodle, and basically anything we have. I wouldn't worry as long as it is home made, because that way I know exactly what goes into his mouth.

    Can't say the same about the things he picks up from the floor though...

  8. We did canned vegis and fruits - they are more soft than fresh - there are even diced varieties in the stores (diced in the can).  My son loved green beans, carrots, and peas he also liked broccoli, but you need to cut it up really small and no stem cause it's so hard.  Fruit he liked peaches and pears, but mush the pears up a little cause they are harder.

    If you get the canned stuff, it's so soft you can mush it with your tounge.

  9. My son is 11 months old, has no teeth, and can still eat a whole piece of pizza in one sitting. I give him mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cheerios, cereal bars, poptarts, an assortment of fruits and veggies, but his favorite is corn. Anything you eat, your baby can eat. Don't worry about the cookie. Landon gets an Oreo Cakester for dessert every night. Oh, this is also a favorite: boil some noodles and drain, add olive oil, parsley, parm. cheese, and stir in shredded mozzarella cheese. He gobbles it up. Yogurt is great. My pediatrician actually recommended it for Landon. But, again, pretty much anything you are eating your baby can eat.

  10. Johnny eats everything I eat.  The other night he had meatloaf, asparagus and mashed potatoes.  Tonight, I think we are having grilled chicken, rice and some kind of veggie.

    You don't necessarily have to mash things up at your daughters age.  My son's been eating table foods since around 8 or 8.5 months old.  He only has two teeth (well, he's cutting the top two right now..).

  11. At 10 months or so my baby was eating pretty much the same things that we were eating, unless they were just horribly unhealthy.  Some of our favorites were home made pizza, chicken or tuna casserole with added veggies to his part, hamburger strogonoff with extra veggies, and a bit of chicken curry.  For snacks he did really well with crackers, cheese, fruit, left overs, and pretty much anything else that we tried.  

    As for meat, it's a really good source of iron, which is something that parents and doctors always worry about.  Once a baby can handle solids, she can handle meat as well.  Since by 6-7 months most babies are able to self feed, they can have meat as well.  

    We really skipped past mashing foods and started with direct table foods, but you can mash pretty much anything if you really want to.  Pasta meals are really easy to mash up a bit with out losing too much consistency or flavor.

  12. My mum and dad gave me the crust of toast and sometimes a bit of pizza crust to chew on i never really ate it. try giving her some pancake

    or crumpets.

  13. mashed banana with a pinch of sugar (helps with digest it.

    pureeed fruit.

    pureed veg


    mashed carrots with potatoes

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