
New foster kitten, something is wrong.

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On Wednesday 4 new foster kittens came to me. Went to the vet yesterday, shots, advantage, dewormed, temps normal, but they all had to have an ear wash for mites (very bad) 3 are doing really well, but the one little one is very quiet. She isn't eating, temp is normal, just a little listless. Sweet little girl.

Could it be from the ear mite treatment? No signs of any illness ...any ideas ?




  1. Maybe it's just her personality and the meds they gave her so she wouldnt squirm while getting the wash just havent worn off yet

    Just wait a day or two she'll be back to normal in no time

  2. could be from the vaccinations.  keep a close eye on her and if she isn't back to herself in 24 hrs call the vet  

  3. it might be from the medication. just keep an eye on her and if things dont improve soon, call your vet again.

    answer mine?;...

  4. probably feeling ill from the vac's . take her aside form the kittens and try and cox some food into her, otherwise take her to the vets in a few days time to see if they can help

    kittens are very vunrable and somtimes they dont survive for numerous reasons , it doesnt refelct on your pet ownership.

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