
New fun things to do since we're stuck in our house all week?!?

by Guest57744  |  earlier

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My daughter will be 13 months soon and we have been stuck INSIDE all week because of the rain and wind from tropical storm Fay (In FL) - we are both going a little nuts. Usually we get out during the week to the park and to my parents house and we go swimming, this week, we're stuck inside. I'm running out of things to entertain her with. She is starting to get crabby too! What do you do when you are stuck inside to keep everyone sane??? :)




  1. I turn on music really loud and dance around the living room with my daughter, she loves it!!

    Or we watch a movie, well I do- she plays with her toys beside me. lol

    How about baking some cookies??

    That sounds really good right now.. lol!

    Does your daughter like to color? Thats always fun too

  2. honestly? all i can do is pray for your sanity.

  3. i'm sooo jealous you have rain....i'm in's a desert here. never EVER rains!!! being cooped up stinks, but rain is lovely....i would go play in it!  

  4. finger paint, maybe get get some movies or cds for lil kids.  

  5. play games-hide and seek or whatever, get a craft to do, paint, playdough, story time, make a schedule for the day.

  6. Well, being 13 months she's probably a little young for a "movie" day... I do that sometimes with my girls if we just can't get outside - but they are 4 and almost 3.  You could try to set up a little obstacle course for her, preschool-gymnastics style.  My girls love rolling around on my pilates mat, and we also rig their little princess fold-out couch into an incline by using couch cushions.  then you can roll her down it or flip her in somersaults.  You could put down little animals (like beanie babies) for her to step/jump over.  My girls have a blast.  They also love dancing, but you can only do that for so long!

    Finger painting would be messy, but she might really like it.  YOu can also do finger painting her high chair tray with pudding and/or whipped cream to make it extra fun for her!  

    If it's not too flooded by your house, you could also take her out to splash in the puddles, and then play in a bubble bath when you're done to get the mud off of her!

    Good luck, I hope you aren't too soaked!

  7. Oh sorry.  Being cooped is tough on mommy and baby.  We like to color and play with play dough,  the usual.  You could even find super simple recipes for edible play dough if she likes to put in her mouth.  I do work outs at home and my daughter likes to "dance" with me.  Or maybe a computer game  (playhouse disney has a cute website for the little ones.)  Try even using the time to do some flashcards or just looking out of the window and talk about the weather or whatever blows by.  :)

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