
New game on metal gear solid 4?

by  |  earlier

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i want to start a new game on metal gear solid 4 and i want to keep all my stuff when i get to the mkII, and i know you supposed to load your old game file and choose the diffucluty but whem i select the file it just take me to where i saved the file from. And i already beat the game once.




  1. I think you haven't saved the game after the Credits roll.

    You have to save the game at the ending (after the Credits Roll) in order to get all your old weapons and DP back.

    Save the ending game, go to Main Menu. Load the last saved game, select the difficulty and start playing.

    After meeting up with MkII, you will get all your weapons and DP back.

    Good Luck and Have Fun...

  2. Does your Save File read as "Epilogue: End"?  If not you'll have to replay that file until you get to the very end of the game past *ALL* the cutscenes, to where you hear Otacon and Snake talking with the logo on the screen.  Then after that it should prompt you to save.  Save your file there, then next time you select that file, the difficulty settings should pop up and you can replay the game with all your guns and items. Hope this helps

  3. Yes, Comus is exactly right with the save file deal. But let's not freak the questioner out when he doesn't see anything in his inventory when he first start off dodging the Gekkos. LoL. You'll have to make it up to the part when Octacon introduces Mk II to snake to get his weapons back. Then, when you meet Drebin, you'll get your Drebin Points back along with new items available to buy (but at a highly expensive cost!).

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