
New garden, and tree transplant?

by Guest62395  |  earlier

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Ok first I am pretty new to the whole grow your own food sustainabilty concept. 2 weeks ago my son and I planted a fruit and veggie garden, and yesterday I recently transplanted a peach tree. I want to know what are some of the best spray fertilizers I can use? also how often should I water and when? I live in central texas. we are growing watermelon, cantoloupe, and peas. Thank in advance!




  1. There are stake-type fertilizers for young fruit trees.  Check with your local nursery.

    As for your watermelons, cantaloupes, and pumpkins, cut the plant off after the first two or three fruits are started, then all the growth energy will go into the remaining fruits.  If you just let them go wild, you'll have a whole lot of small, weak fruit that will be fodder for squirrels.

    I avoid fertilizers completely for ground grown veggies...I have found that pruning to direct the growth energy gives me tons of veggies when compared, say to my daughter who relies on the fertilizer and not the farming.

  2. I usually just use miracle grow and it seems to work great for me.  I buy the regular stuff and then the acid loving stuff for other items.  I would first buy a ph tester to see what kind of fertilizers your soil/plants even need.  They're pretty inexpensive and they usually come with a nice guide that will tell you the preferred PH level of individual plants.

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