
New girl, First impressions?

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so this upcoming school year i will be attending a new high school in texas. i moved back to Tx from Portland, so the atmosphere and vibe of the two cities are really different. idk how i'm going to fit in here. i've always been pretty confident and it doesn't really bother me when people try to embarass or pick on me. i definetley stnad up for myself. but yeah, i'm pretty much nervous as heck! at my old school i usually just stuck with my 4 best girlfriends. haha, so i don't really know how to make new friends. i'm usually shy when you first meet me, but once i get comfortable around you i'm crazy and insane! i wnat this year to be different though, i want to b like outgoing and fun and a person that everyone wants to hang out with! haha do you guys have any new kid advice? first impressions advice? anything would be really great!




  1. well, i know that sometimes school sports can be competitive so it's hard to just start something, but if you did a sport back in portland, try to go out for the team at your new school and you'll meet some new people. i know that people always say this but joining new clubs will help. don't try to overdo the makeup and hair and everything like someone mentioned earlier, but just try to look put together and confident. people will feel that it's easier to talk to you that way. i'm the same way, where i'm shy at first.

    at the same time, you get this brand new location where you can basically start completely over. nobody will know about your past decisions or friends you had back home, so you can really try to work on being the person you've always wanted to be and not think about people who won't accept it. it'll be the only thing they've seen of you anyway. hopefully that makes sense.

  2. Just Remember to be yourself. Like i know from experience that you want to look good on the first day but not too good. If you're yourself people will start to talk to you more and more.

  3. say hi to everyone you meet. although they may not be your "type" they know people who you will likely get introduced to and you can choose from there.

    joining a club you enjoy is not a bad idea.

    when you're invited out....GO. everytime for the first while so you socialize yourself. it's important to jump feet first right away because it's a lot harder to say "btw, i'm so-and-so" after you've been in the class with a person for 2 months.

    make sure you play up your confidence and bubbly personality, but don't come on too strong. but i bet there will be a lot of new ones at the beginning of a school year.

    have fun.

  4. Don't over do stuff like you hair and makeup on your first day, you'll seem like you are trying to hard. Just try to look confident and self assured.

    hope this helps


  5. Well I know how this is since I have been new to schools in the past. It might be just hard the 3 first days, since those are the days that took me to make friend. Yeah, and dont try too hard on impressing people the first day! ;)

    What city in Texas are you going to live in anyways?

    This world is pretty small.

    Also dont forget to look confident, and if you are as talkative as I am, believe me,  you will a bunch of friends as at least from 3 days to a week. Good luck!

  6. Talk to as many people as possible when you get there.

    The more people you know, the more diverse your group of friends will be.

    Don't be afraid to speak up in class.

    If people see that you're smart, they'll ask you for help, and that's also a great way to meet people.

    I always strike up a conversation about music because usually everyone listens to it.

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