
New glasses. Headache and Dizziness?

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I have never had a eye exam in my life.. when i got one a week ago.. she said i was near sighted and she showed me some lenses and i was AMAZED how clear my vision is. So i ordered glasses and just picked them up today. I AM AMAZED HOW CLEAR MY VISION IS. But im getting a little headache and dizziness.. is this normal?




  1. Its normal to feel a little uncomfortable initially.

    Do these sysmptoms occur only while you read/perform near work or do they even occur otherwise?

    If it occurs during near work alone, it might be possible that the r your might be having some problem with focusing or alignment (nothing abnormal but some people do have eye muscle problems that can easily be corrected). However, if your symptoms occur always then it might be possible that the prescription is high. Please do visit your optometrist again to find out the cause.

  2. This is normal. Your eyes have been seeing with a naked eye. Now you have something to help it and it'll take some time!

    Don't worry!

    Just wear more often or A LOT so your eyes get used to the glasses faster.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

  3. its normal. you will get use to the glasses soon so dont worry about it :)

  4. It is definitely normal and your eyes should adjust to them very soon. Just give them time.

    I remember when I wore glasses for the very first time, I'd see steps and humps, when in reality, it's flat ground. I'd then walk as if there are steps, making me look weird. This stopped in a few hours.

    I hope this has helped and all the best! :)

  5. This can be normal if this is your first time wearing glasses. Or the prescription may be too strong for your eyes.

  6. the only reson you are geting  dizzie is because you are not used to your glasses. so once in a while if you get dizzie or a headache just take them off and rub your temples.

    p.s. i am 11yrs old  and i got new glasses to do not worry you can do it!! it is very normal

  7. Its normal until you get used to them..or it could be too strong. You may want to call the optical and check with them!

  8. yes it's normal

    but you may have to get used to them.

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