
New golf clubs *last years models*?

by Guest60052  |  earlier

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where can I find some new clubs that are last years models????

I dont see any online...I dont really want to go to ebay.

Any sites you know of?

or a link to a site listing all of last years models?





  2. Check out the private club pro shops which do much business and you may find the clubs you are looking for. Most golf manufacturers do not change product design as do auto manufacturers. Many designs are carried year to year especially if they were good sellers. This holds true for your local golf shops whose stock is usually larger than that of the club pro shops.

  3. Rock bottom golf

  4. Check out under sporting goods don't know if you have a site in your city if you do no shipping just meet up if you like it you buy it if you don' harm no foul as ts an on line classified site

    Check out your local golf store I bet they would be happy to hook you up with left over 2007 or earlier clubs for a good deal you might not be able to knock down any sale prices but I bet you can get them to add extensions or maybe some aftermarket grips for free or reduced price

  5. If you dont want to go to ebay, you probably wont want to go to craigslist.

    First check out this site:

    or google "golf digest hotlist 200? (whatever year youre looking for)" to see what was out that year.

    then check out TGW or rockbottom as others have said. golfsmith also has lots of older models onsale via website. Hope this helps.


  7. craigs list sporting good store

  8. If you want NEW last years clubs go to WWW.ROCKBOTTOMGOLF.COM

    Just bought Hogan irons new for 200bucks

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