
New grad RN needs advice!?

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I just graduated from nursing school and am having trouble finding the job i really want. I have been on med surg, step down unit and outpt unit, I loved the outpt unit but they don't hire new grads. I hate going on med surg but i guess that the only option left now

any help from new grads and experienced RN is greatly appreciated.





  1. Find out if your hospital has one of those programs that allows you to work in their intensive care unit straight out of nursing school.  If they do, they will give you a six to eight week orientation where you will work a little bit of med surg and take some classes about intensive care nursing.  After the six to eight weeks, you will be working as a nurse in the intensive care unit.  Granted, you may have someone their to guide you, but you will at least be able to say that you work in an intensive care unit.  

    Plus, If you work in the unit for a year or so, you will be able to work anywhere you want.  

  2. Despite the nursing shortage, it is sometimes harder for new grads to get into the area they want right away. I knew I wanted to get into OB / L&D right away and felt anything else was a waste of time. I couldn't get a job there though, and had to get a job in med/surg (cardiac stepdown, actually). I found that all those people who told me to get that 6 months to a year of experience in med/surg were right - it was a very valuable experience that prepared me for just about any other area I would want to go into.

    I b*tched and moaned and complained my way (not at work or around patients, of course) through those 6 months, but I thought of it like I did school - just another step I was required to take in order to get to where I wanted to be in the long run.

    I wish you the best of luck finding something you enjoy, but don't underestimate how beneficial working in med/surg can be in the long run.

  3. Unfortunately, you may have to work in med/surg to get into the hospital.  Once in, tell HR and your supervisor what you are really interested in doing.  Also, establish a rapport with the RNs in the unit you want to work in.  Then they can let you know when there is an opening.  Good luck!

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