
New grandma here bouncy baby boy! I want to get my daughter law a nice gift but what should i get her???

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New grandma here bouncy baby boy! I want to get my daughter law a nice gift but what should i get her???




  1. Something to give her a break...a nice swing or something. And lots a diapers and wipes...can never have enough of those :)

  2. Well jewelry is always lovely. My immediate family doesn't really give gifts for children. My cousin, however, got a some lovely diamonds. Something simpler would also do.

    a photo album or gift so they could but their own present.

  3. A gift certificate or pre-pay a house cleaner for a one time full cleaning!  That's what I'd want.  But then again, would she think you are insinuating that her house isn't clean?  I wouldn't take it like that from my MIL but some DILs would.  Maybe a gift card for a manicure.

  4. that exactly wat happen to my fam but any way get her cutlery

  5. Something to make her feel better about herself. I know when I gave birth 6 months ago I wish someone gave me something s**y. I know she's your daughter in law but i would have appreciated something to make me feel pretty!!! I'm still waiting on that!!

  6. Go visit, help around the house, cook for her try to get her to sleep some. She will remember you being there for her.

  7. Any kind of pampering like: manicure, pedicure, facial, MASSAGE!!!

    Or just offer to babysit and get her tickets to a movie.  

    Anything relaxing.

  8. A gift card to a restaurant and an offer babysit.

    One things all new parents need is time alone together.


  9. How old is she? because jewelry is always a nice gift. But if she is too young, get her a toy like a barbie or a brat.

  10. Buy her lot's of diapers..or if you want it to be really sweet, buy her a picture album that she can put lots of pictures of her new baby in.   Or just picture frames. .

  11. Spa gift card!!!!! Thats what i would want.. Maybe with that a night out on the town  with the hubby!

    Congrats on being a grandma!

  12. I think something special just for her would be nice.  Key it towards her likes.  Maybe she loves plants.  Maybe she likes to get her nails done.  Maybe she loves bath products...etc.  Just something really nice to show her that you care.  And by the by, how thoughtful you are grandma!  Congratulations!

  13. Ask her what she needs.  That would be the greatest help.

    A gift not needed is not that great.  And keepsakes are nice but being a new mom I would want something I'm really going to get some use out of.

    Maybe cash?  Or a gift card?

  14. as long as you get the gift for her and not the baby i think you will be fine. you can try a gym pass or babysitting cupon book.

  15. lol, thats so sweet, congrats on your little one's, little one!!

    Well, I'd suggest baby stuff first off, but if you want to get the new mommy something just for her, try one of those gift baskets with skin creams and bath lotions in it. I've seen many gift packages such as that, in maternity stores and department stores...they have tons of neat things in them that would be really useful.

    If you have a strong relationship with your daughter-in-law, I think the best gift would be some househould help! give her a hand here and there with cleaning or taking care of errands. If thats not possible then maybe a gift card or buy her a few weeks of molly maid services or something. :)

  16. Just for her and not baby? I'd get her a mani/pedi or something like that. I know after all my kids I could use it... Haha!


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