
New guy! Totally cute! How do I talk to him?

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Theres a new guy in town who lives a couple houses down from me. I'm going into 7th grade and he looks like he is going into 8th or 9th. I'm afraid to talk to him! How can give myself the confidence to talk to him?




  1. Lol, your so young - but I was your age once, its summer why dont you go hang out outside maybe get a gal pal of yours and put on some shorts and a tank top and get sun, if nothing you'll have fun with your friend - maybe play some kinda game like volley ball and kinda make it go over his way, when hes out - that way it gives you an excuse to say something or maybe he will say something - good luck - also keep in mind dont let guys make up your world you are far to young to be looking for the " right guy" have fun -

  2. Casually, walk or bike by his house when he is outside.

    Then wave and if he waves back, stop your bike or stop and ask " Are you new here?" then he says yeah and he might say where he is from (if he doesn't say where he is from, ask him where he is from). Then ask what school he is planning to go to (if hes going to your school act astonished and say me too!)

    Then ask how old he is and stuff. It will lead from there! =]

  3. guys are always afraid to talk to girls because we don't know how they will react.

    Guys love when a girl comes up to them and talks to them.

    So if you like him just go talk to him.

  4. oowee. warning you now that you're a bit young to be looking for older guys. (by grade 12, guys are looking at grade 10+ for girls, but in grade 9 you are pretty much limited to your own age.)

    but regardless, i suggest that you just need to remember (and i am a guy) that guys like girls who are confident and not afraid to go out there, wear pretty clothes, look good, and talk to us.

    in fact, looking back on all the girls i've ever liked, every one of them was outgoing and confident. even if you aren't those things, the only way to become them is by practice.

    if he's literally new in town, you should tell him about the best places to eat or hang out in the neighbourhood! okay, any "first social interaction between a guy and a girl who don't know each other" will be awkward. deal with it, and make sure there's a second one that won't be nearly as awkward.

    most of all, don't worry about it. you've got years to worry about it. don't start yet.  

  5. just go up to him and say hi im (ur name here) and see where it goes from there

    if he is new in town then he prolly dont hav alot of friends yet so just go up to him and be friendly and he will polly be happy that he will know someone

    its always hard talkin to guys so to give urself more confidence do somethin cute with ur hair and wear ur favorite outfit and that will give u enough confidence to go up and talk to him

    good luck :)

  6. Jsut go up to him and complimetn him. You never know what could happen unless you go for it  

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