
New hairstyle.. Could you help..?

by  |  earlier

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Okay if i take this pic (without the I love you) to a salon... Could they give me this hairstyle?

im just worried that theyll tell me they need a more detailed pic or something..

heres the picture!

easy 10 pts!




  1. ya!~

  2. honestly? no, i dont think so.

    most of the time, people at hair salons say they know how to cut hair like whatever picture you give them, but you always end up getting different results.

    and it'll probably look way different when you get it cut. especially since in that picture, the dude had his hair done ALOT. meaning theres gel and alot of combing and styling.

    its the same for us girls. we never get the look we want from pictures.

    so keep looking for pictures with similar hair but less styling but bring that picture too and tell them u want to be able to look like that after styling it.

    and be serious. tell them its crucial.

    ive been too nice in the past, and its gotten me some pretty darn bad haircuts.  

  3. Yeah, just take it to a salon, and i'm sure they'll do it for you. =)=)

    goodluck !

  4. Definitely. If they need more details, just explain to them how you want it

    (: Good luck

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