
New hamster, stupid owner?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well my neice just got another hamster, hopefully she doesnt kill him this time. Well This is the second day home in his new cage for him, and I'm just trying to see if he'll come up to my hand and take the food. He doesnt. He will run away, or go up the the higher level, everytime my hand goes in. I can't pet him, or he'll jump, and go freaky. The hamster has a seizure, and I freaked out, and my neice went "its sleeping", and walked away. The hamster was on his side for about 4 minutes, i pet his side, and next thing you know he is up, and running away, being jumpy, and vicious. What can I do to let the hamster be petted, held ,and take food from my hand? Everytime I'm at the cage, he will sit there and stare at me, any sudden noises like rustle or something, he will jump, or stand on his hind legs raising his paws. D: argh, he is small too, so maybe he is young. HELP PLEASE!




  1. You have to earn his trust and sometime hamster will be affraid at first.  He need to learn who feeds him and handle him somethings and show him that being out of the cage is fun.

  2. It sounds as if it is terrified, it dosent sound like it had a seizure, it would have been playing dead, a lot of small rodents use this as a survival mechanisim.  It hasnt been handled and isnt tame, you could try to start off feeding by hand and slowly tame it, if it was me, however heartless it may sound, I would take it back to the pet shop and get one from elsewhere.  I had a couple of hamsters that were unused to people when I was a child and none of them came round.

  3. Patients.....Keep doing what your doing. He will eventually come around.

  4. I had a hamster once. Since it's the second day, it's probably still getting used to it's surroundings. Also, it is probably terrified to. For its food you might want to put it in a little bowl. After about two weeks try to feed him from your hand again. That way he'll be a little used to him. Make him comfortable bout what he likes. Being terrified is scary so visit him two or three times and day to check on him. Anyway I hoped i helped and you rock!! LOL!!! if you could PLZ CHOOSE this as BEST ANSWER!!! thanx! : ]

  5. hes just not used to u yet just keep trying to pet him and eventually he should get used to u.(: im not sure about the seizure though...

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