
New hamster :D Yay Pointers?

by  |  earlier

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Hey ive gotten a new female syrian hamster she is black and white any suggestions for names, btw can anyone give me the stages for housing my new hamster so i can handle her and become more close with her, any more pointers for my new hamster will be great for me to know :D




  1. well give your hamster the biggest cage you can afford, make it a wire cage, play with your hamster, but do not frighten her. let her accept treats from your hand before you try to hold her. do not grab her like a hawk and leave her dangling above the ground. good luck!

  2. Name, you should totally go with Oreo. Lol.

    This website is great for first time hamster owners, and even people who have already owned hamsters. This link will lead you to the section about handling your hamster. But you should deff look around.

  3. I agree with Chowder.  Oreo is a great name!

    Let her settle into her new home for a few days.  During that time talk to her so she gets familiar with your voice.  After a few days, when she looks to be settled in, talk to her and leave your hand still in the cage so she gets to know your scent.  After doing that a few times start hand feeding her pumpkin seeds or a few treats but in moderation.  Check out the link for some treat ideas.  Don't try to pick her up if she isn't ready.  Don't chase her around the cage trying to pick her up with your hands.  That will only scare her.  Let her come to you.  

    Well, that's what I do with all my new hamsters.  Good luck with yours!

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