I have a Vaio laptop running xp but the hard drive is 40 gig and I wanted to install a bigger one. I have to XP home edition OEM disk and a copy of your software, which I successfully used to get this PC going. ..Worked great, thanks :-). So, can use the OEM to install an OS on the new hard drive? Can I transfer my programs and data to the 80 gig external HD I use for back-up (it has no OS of it's own, of course)? Do I need to dump my programs and data onto my son's rather capacious HD and then move it to the new one in my PC? Will I need to partition off a new virtual drive on his machine to do this? I am hoping to avoid buying a new copy of XP and/or paying the store $250 to mirror my HD and install it. Can I use your program to do this?