
New high school (freshman)?

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I just started school about two weeks ago and I'm attending a new school where I don't know anyone. I've made a few friends but how do I break the ice and meet more new people?




  1. just (non stalking like) observe people and see who you would most likely want to hang out with... then go up to them and start out with something simple to break the ice like "hi my name is ______, im new here and dont know my way around.... can you help me?" or something to that degree. just be confident... youll meet some one. GOOD LUCK!

  2. Talk to everyone.

    Get to know them.

    Be friends with the upper

    class men so you have people

    to help you out around school :]

  3. The first few weeks of a new school year can be challenging even to people with friends. Like, for me, every year I have different people in all of my classes and so I never get to see my friends. Just introduce yourself in class and talk about things you like. Also at lunch, try sitting with your friends that you made and they'll probably have their own friends and eventually you'll all become friends. Good luck ^^

  4. Go to football games! That helps a lot, because people know other people and then you will become friends with them. Ask your new friends if they want to go to the movies some night or something and tell them to invite lots of their friends.. then you can meet them.


  5. I should think everyone is quite eager to meet you anyway, just be yourself.  Invite all your new friends out one weekend and do something fun.  Something people will want to do again.  It's the easiest situation you could find yourslef in - Go have fun!

  6. honey i know what you r going thru iv moved 2 in the past 4 yrs and not only that but its high skwl and everyone is crazy then u know hormones and all. jst b urself and dont wait for ppl to appreciate u if u contin ue being urself then true friends will stick to ya like glue

  7. lookk into the schools clubs and sports. there is useually something for everybody. tht is a great way to meet people.

  8. just straight up introduce yourself, ask them where there from tell them your new and find common ground.

  9. start talking to people by giving them compliments! people love to get compliments and they will think you are so nice! say something like "I like your shirt. Where did you get it?" and then you can start a conversation! good luck!

  10. you will.  eventaully.  just be nice to everyone in any situation.


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