
New highschool next year?

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okay, so i have gone to a private school with about 20 kids in the whole grade my whole life.

and next year im going to piqua highschool with about 300+ people in the grade,

im a bit scared.

anything you can say to help will,





  1. What grade?

    You&#039;ll be surprised how similar to your old school it is.

    You get more freedom etc. The worst thing is the requirements for the classes, midterms, and end of the year exams.

    Depending on the group of people you hang out with you wont have to worry about drama and drugs. You&#039;ll make a lot of new friends, which is great!

    There is no reason to be scared.

    High school is nothing to worry about. I was surprised how cool it was. I love school now lol

  2. Just find some friends you&#039;ll get used to it soon, once you&#039;re in high school your past school experiences kind of get lost. I have friends who like you had 17 people in their grade at a K-8 private school and now nobody would ever know that they went to a private school. It sure didn&#039;t get in my way of becomeing their friends and I&#039;ve always gone to large puplic schools. Things just end up working out that way.

  3. You&#039;ll find that being in a big school is not too frightening after a while.

    You find your clique, you find the people you like, the people that you might not like so much.

    It does take a few days or weeks to adjust, but just don&#039;t worry and you&#039;ll get along just fine.

  4. omgosh think of it as a new beginning.

    In middle school I went to a lame school and I was shy and quite, I got a makeover in the summer and went to a different high school and a new personality. I became outgoing and social and become a cheerleader

    my life hasn&#039;t been the same since and I know for a fact that if i had gone to h.s with the same kids from middle school then I would have a very different me.. more quite and insecure

  5. just be yourself and you&#039;ll fit tight in, i kow it sounds cheesy, but it&#039;s the best way to go. Everyone will love you for being yourself and honest, don&#039;t try to be something you&#039;re not (not saying that you are going to) but that&#039;s about all i can say.

  6. just be ur self and u will be sure to meet some new friends

  7. just act like yourself and whoever you fit in with will talk to you. but if you act fake or stuck up then no body will even get near you.

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